Southern California Home Buyers

Southern California Home Buyers

Friday 29 July 2016

What Should I Do As The Administrator During The Probate Process?

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The probate process probably isn’t something you regard fondly, especially if you’re already going through a rough time dealing with the loss of a loved one. How you handle the process depends on a number of factors. Once you understand the process and help move it through the courts, you’re done with half the battle. […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Saturday 23 July 2016

What Resources Are Available To Help Me Through the Probate Process?

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This is probably the first and only time you’ll have to handle the probate process. It’s not a part of our everyday lives, and because of that, many people don’t know where to start. The process is difficult enough, and there’s no need to attempt to tackle it without any help. The problem is knowing […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Monday 18 July 2016

What Are My Options When My Probate Property is In Bad Shape?

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Unless you come from an exceedingly affluent family, you’re probably not inheriting a fully staffed manor with marble floors so clean you could serve a meal off of them. Chances are, you’re inheriting a regular property that’s been lived in for a long time, and could use a little work. Maybe your deceased family member […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Thursday 30 June 2016

How Does The Legal Process Affect My Ability to Sell My Probate Property?

The post How Does The Legal Process Affect My Ability to Sell My Probate Property? appeared first on SCHB

Probate codes, just like any other legal codes, differ from state to state. How your state will handle your probate property depends on a variety of factors. If you are the only clear heir and there is no debt left to the estate, the court may take a hands-off approach when it comes to the […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Friday 17 June 2016

Can I Safely Sell My Home Before a Foreclosure?

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Selling your home can prevent a foreclosure from becoming finalized, protecting your credit history and making it easier to secure a new mortgage in the future. Depending on how much you owe on your mortgage and how much your home is worth, selling may be a complete and profitable solution. Even in the worst case […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

What Does California Law Mean for My Foreclosure?

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Thanks to some merciful lawmakers, California residents are provided with certain protections under the law when their lender begins the foreclosure process on their home. These laws came into effect as the California courts’ response to the housing crisis, where many lenders were found at fault for forming unsuitable deals with home buyers. California doesn’t […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Thursday 16 June 2016

What Will Foreclosure Do to My Credit Score?

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If you cannot avoid your foreclosure, you have good reason to worry about what will happen to your credit history. Whether you hope to purchase another home in the future, or you simply need to pass a credit check to get set up in an apartment, you’re probably nervous about what creditors will think when […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Tuesday 14 June 2016

How Does Declaring Bankruptcy Affect My Foreclosure?

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If you’ve never filed bankruptcy before, you likely have some misconceptions about what it entails. There are a lot of common misconceptions about how bankruptcy works, and you might be under the impression that bankruptcy will forgive the entirety of your mortgage. In reality, declaring bankruptcy will not prove to be the solution you’re expecting. […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

What Should I Do When I Receive My Foreclosure Notice?

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You may feel tempted to panic or procrastinate when you receive your foreclosure notice, but this is the worst possible route you can take. It’s perfectly normal to get upset, but every moment you spend distraught is a moment you could have spent investigating your options. Take a few deep breaths and attend to the […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Tuesday 17 May 2016

How to Spot & Avoid “We Buy Homes” Scams

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It seems that on every major street corner, there’s a sign that says “WE CAN BUY YOUR HOUSE” in bold letters. Home investment companies spring up all over the place, because it’s a lucrative business. In the world of business, not every company is created equal. The reality of the matter is that shady home […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

How to Sell Your House Fast for Cash Without a Realtor

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Navigating the sale of your home can quickly become a labyrinth-like process, unnecessarily complicated by the involvement of a multitude of entities. It doesn’t matter why you no longer want to own the property in question – you just want to wash your hands of the situation and move on. Maybe you need the cash […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Friday 18 March 2016

What to Do When You Inherit Your Parents Property

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Inheriting a property is generally something that’s tacked on to the end of bad news. Once the air has cleared, you’re left to sort out the situation with the property. There are a few things you’ll want to take care of first, and then you’ll have to make the big decision: What do you actually […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Tuesday 15 March 2016

How To Hire A Property Management Firm for Renting Out Your Inherited Property

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If you’ve recently inherited a property, you’ll quickly realize that it’s no walk in the park. It’s a lot to handle. You’ll be faced with a myriad of decisions to make, and perhaps the largest of them all is whether you want to sell or keep the property. If you don’t want to deal with […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Monday 14 March 2016

Avoiding Family Feuds When You Want To Sell an Inherited Property

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Wouldn’t it be wonderful is properties were handed down with a least of clear instructions, and everyone involved was on board with the same plan? Good luck finding yourself in that situation. Members of your family may feel sentimental about the property, particularly if it was a childhood home or it was highly customized by […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Dealing With The Taxes on Your Inherited Home & Understanding Proposition 13

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Inheriting a home is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, something very valuable was passed down to you. On the other hand, so was all of the responsibility that comes along with being a homeowner. If you already have your hands full with your own home and your career, it’s easy to […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

How to Sell A Home You’ve Inherited

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Inheriting a mansion and moving into it, enjoying a lavish lifestyle surrounded by real marble and solid gold, sounds like the perfect way to live. Unfortunately, that only happens in sitcom pilots, and you’ve probably found yourself in a very different situation. At best, it’s a normal home. At worst, it’s a property that’s been […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Friday 11 March 2016

The Burned Out Landlord’s Official Guide for Getting Rid of Unwanted Property

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If you’re a landlord currently then you probably understand pretty well, the headaches and problems associated with land-lording, rental properties and tenants. Whether you’re completely over all of your properties or just a few of them, you can certainly feel the pressing urge to get them off your hands if they’ve become too much of […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Fixing the Major Issues With Your Rental BEFORE you Sell

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If your tenants were particularly cruel to your property or it was otherwise left in a state of disrepair, you’re going to want to make sure everything is functioning well enough for you to be able to sell the property. While the majority of investors are content with purchasing property that needs some TLC, you […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

How To Deal With Bad Tenants (and Get Them Out of Your Property)

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If you’re looking to sell your rental property and get out of the business of being a landlord, you’re going to need your property to be vacant. If your tenants are nothing short of aggravating, you might wish you could sell them with the house. While our company performs this type of service, unfortunately, many […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

How to Maximize The Value of Your Rental Property

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If you want to sell your unwanted rental quickly while still receiving the highest amount of money possible, some minor improvements may be necessary. Some of these things you can do on your own over the course of a few weekends, either alone or with a small team of helpers. The good news is they […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

How To Determine What Your Unwanted Rental Property is Worth

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There are a variety of reasons to sell a rental property, with the clearest being that you simply don’t want it anymore. Like with selling any property, selling your rental will be an involved process that takes some time to complete. Valuing it properly and having a better idea of how much you intend to […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Finding The Best Way To Sell Your Unwanted Rental

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Whether you absolutely loathe your property, or you simply lack interest in managing it, you may want to pass it on to someone who’s willing to take on the responsibility so you can be free of it. Thankfully for you, people are always looking to pick up property – either to manage themselves, or to […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Handling The Taxes on a Rental Property You Sold

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As Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Though handling the taxes on your former rental property will probably be your least favorite part of the selling process, it’s absolutely necessary. Tax information is more complicated than stereo instructions in a different language, so […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Wednesday 13 January 2016

5 Important Things You Need to Know About Foreclosure

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Is your property on the verge of being foreclosed on? Are you mortified of the words “Foreclosure Notice”, and living in a constant state of fear of the fact that your house can be taken away from you anytime, leaving you and your family without a roof over your heads? Knowing what your rights are […]

from We'll Buy Your Southern California Home Fast & Pay You Cash

Monday 11 January 2016

Know Your Taxes When Inheriting a Home

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Many people are unaware of the substantial tax obligations that inheriting an estate can invite. A home is often inherited at a time of grief, and confusing laws and tax issues at an already difficult time can be frustrating and depressing. Most homes are passed on to inheritors with only the best of intentions, without […]

from We'll Buy Your Southern California Home Fast & Pay You Cash