Southern California Home Buyers

Southern California Home Buyers

Friday 29 July 2016

What Should I Do As The Administrator During The Probate Process?

The post What Should I Do As The Administrator During The Probate Process? appeared first on SCHB

The probate process probably isn’t something you regard fondly, especially if you’re already going through a rough time dealing with the loss of a loved one. How you handle the process depends on a number of factors. Once you understand the process and help move it through the courts, you’re done with half the battle. […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Saturday 23 July 2016

What Resources Are Available To Help Me Through the Probate Process?

The post What Resources Are Available To Help Me Through the Probate Process? appeared first on SCHB

This is probably the first and only time you’ll have to handle the probate process. It’s not a part of our everyday lives, and because of that, many people don’t know where to start. The process is difficult enough, and there’s no need to attempt to tackle it without any help. The problem is knowing […]

from So Cal Home Buyers

Monday 18 July 2016

What Are My Options When My Probate Property is In Bad Shape?

The post What Are My Options When My Probate Property is In Bad Shape? appeared first on SCHB

Unless you come from an exceedingly affluent family, you’re probably not inheriting a fully staffed manor with marble floors so clean you could serve a meal off of them. Chances are, you’re inheriting a regular property that’s been lived in for a long time, and could use a little work. Maybe your deceased family member […]

from So Cal Home Buyers